Please note that the PhD projects listed are examples of projects offered to current CDT students and as such are not generally available to prospective students.
Above Cuff Vocalisation (ACV) involves the external application of an airflow (oxygen or medical air) via the subglottic port of a tracheostomy tube (Fig.1). This...
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies have potential to revolutionize the ways we perceive and interact with digital information. However, achieving satisfying user...
Machine-learned surrogate models are creating a paradigm shift in engineering design by speeding up CFD calculations to near real-time. After training on computationally-expensive CFD calculations,...
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is characterized by narrowing of the peripheral arteries that affects the lower extremities. Patients have impairments in delivering oxygen to their...
As shown in the top panels of the figure, the Cassini and Juno missions to Saturn and Jupiter revealed striking images of vortices at the...
Tides between astrophysical objects are ubiquitous in astrophysics, from planets orbiting their host stars to stars orbiting supermassive black holes in galaxy centres. In many...
Jet streams are fundamental geophysical fluid dynamical features within Earth’s rotating, stratified atmosphere. Unusual behaviour of the jet streams is frequently associated with extreme weather...
This project will address fundamental aspects of fluid-dense granular flow giving rise to the evolution of a complex micro- to mesoscale structures in the material,...
Turbulent atmospheric rotors in the boundary layer associated with mountain lee waves can be a major hazard to aviation. This collaborative project with the Met...
This project will design a mask system capable of providing size segregated aerosols from human subjects. This will be used to ascertain the transmission characteristics...