Student Publications
Name | EPSRC CDT Fluid Dynamics Student Publications (journal and conference proceedings) |
Damilola Adekanye | Damilola Adekanye, Amirul Khan, Alan Burns, William McCaffrey, Martin Geier, Martin Schönherr, and Robert Dorrell, Graphics processing unit accelerated lattice Boltzmann method simulations of dilute gravity currents, Physics of Fluids 34, 046602 (2022). |
Khaled Al-Ghaithi | Khaled H.A. Al-Ghaithi, Oliver G. Harlen, Nikil Kapur and Mark C.T. Wilson, Morphologies and dynamics of micro-droplet impact onto an idealised scratch, Cambridge University Press, 26 August 2021. |
Karrar H. Al-Dirawi, Khaled H.A. Al-Ghaithi, Thomas C. Sykes, J. Rafael Castrejón-Pita and Andrew E. Bayly, Inertial stretching separation in binary droplet collisions, Cambridge University Press, 21 September 2021. | |
Paul Allen | P. A. Allen, R. M. Dorrell, O. G. Harlen, R. E. Thomas, W. D. McCaffrey, (2020), Pulse propagation in gravity currents, Physics of Fluids 32, 016603. |
P. A. Allen, R. M. Dorrell, O. G. Harlen, R. E. Thomas and W. D. McCaffrey, Mixing in density- and viscosity-stratified flows, Physics of Fluids 34, 096605 (2022). | |
Jacob Anderson | Anderson, J.P., Mortimer, L.F., Hunter, T.N. et al. Agglomeration and Collision Behaviour of Non-Spherical Particles in Turbulence. In: 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, THMT-23, Rome, Italy, 11-15 September 2023. Tenth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, 11-15 Sep 2023, Rome. Begell House Inc. ISBN 978-1-56700-534-9 |
J. Purvis, L.F. Mortimer, J.P. Anderson, M. Fairweather, Fully resolved binary particle interactions in isotropic turbulence using hard and soft sphere collision models, Conference: 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, THMT-23, Rome, Italy, 11-15 September 2023. | |
Anderson, J.P., Mortimer, L., Hunter, T. et al. Non-Spherical Particle Interactions in Isotropic Turbulence Using an Immersed Boundary Approach. In: Proceedings of the 14th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements – ETMM14. 14th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements – ETMM14, 06-08 Sep 2023, Barcelona. Conference (In Press). |
Evangelia Antonopoulou | Evangelia Antonopoulou, Connor F. Rohmann-Shaw, Thomas C. Sykes, Olivier J. Cayre, Timothy N. Hunter, and Peter K. Jimack, Numerical and experimental analysis of the sedimentation of spherical colloidal suspensions under centrifugal force, Physics of Fluids 30, 030702 (2018). (With support from Proctor and Gamble) |
Antonopoulou E, Harlen O G, Walkley M A, Kapur N. Jetting behavior in drop-on-demand printing: Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 043603s. (2020) | |
E. Antonopoulou, O. G. Harlen, M. Rump, T. Segers and M. A. Walkley, Effect of surfactants on jet break-up in drop-on-demand inkjet printing, Physics of Fluids 33, 072112 (2021). | |
John Ashcroft | J Ashcroft, Predictability of Tropical Cyclones: A Comparison of Typhoon Haiyan (2013) and Typhoon Hagupit (2014) Using Convection-Permitting Ensemble Forecasts (April 2018), American Meteorological Society. |
John Ashcroft, Juliane Schwendike, Stephen D. Griffiths, Andrew N. Ross, Chris J. Short, The Impact of Weak Environmental Steering Flow on Tropical Cyclone Track Predictability, Royal Meteorological Society, September 2021. | |
Joseph Bennett | Joseph D. Bennett, Mark C.T. Wilson, Nikil Kapur, Peter K. Jimack, Richard P. Maltby, M. Kieran Looney, Computational modelling and experimental validation of pressure drop through multi-layered woven screens for polymer melts, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 209, 2024, Pages 323-333, ISSN 0263-8762. |
Megan Bickle | Megan E. Bickle, John H. Marsham, Andrew N. Ross, David P. Rowell, Douglas J. Parker, Christopher M. Taylor (2020) Understanding mechanisms for trends in Sahelian squall lines: Roles of thermodynamics and shear, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. |
Publication from UKRI policy internship at Defra: Xylella fastidiosa; a summary of the threat to the U.K. and the current preparations. | |
Jonny Bolton | Bolton, JM, Bokhove, O, Borman, DJ et al. (2021) Towards optimization of a wave-to-wire energy device in a breakwater contraction. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2021), 05 Sep - 09 Dec 2021, Plymouth, UK/Virtual. Technical Committee of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. |
Bokhove, O. , Bolton, J. and Thompson, H. (2024) Geometric power optimisation of a rogue-wave energy device in a (breakwater) contraction. In: 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). 8th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2024), 21-23 Aug 2024, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. IEEE ISBN 979-8-3503-7095-9. | |
Aniruddha Bose | Aniruddha Bose, Duncan J Borman, Timothy N Hunter, Julian T Spencer and Christopher J Cunliffe, Numerical investigation of fill height and secondary currents in an inclined partially filled pipe flow, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2899, 2024. |
Jennifer Castelino | Jennifer K. Castelino, Daniel J. Ratliff, Alastair M. Rucklidge, Priya Subramanian, Chad M. Topaze, Spatiotemporal chaos and quasipatterns in coupled reaction–diffusion systems, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume 409, August 2020, 132475. (from UG degree) |
Caitlin Chalk | Chalk C, Pastor M, Borman D, Sleigh A, Peakall J, Murphy W, Fuentes R. (2017). A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Study of an Experimental Debris Flow. Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides (pp. 573-578). Springer International Publishing. |
C. M. Chalk, M. Pastor, J. Peakall, D. J. Borman, P. A. Sleigh, W. Murphy, R. Fuentes, Stress-Particle Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: An application to the failure and post-failure behaviour of slopes, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 366, 1 July 2020, 113034. | |
C. M. Chalk, J. Peakall, G. Keevil, R. Fuentes, Spatial and temporal evolution of an experimental debris flow, exhibiting coupled fluid and particulate phases. Acta Geotech. (2021). | |
Molly Cherry | Cherry, M., Khatir, Z., Khan, A. et al. The impact of 4D-Flow MRI spatial resolution on patient-specific CFD simulations of the thoracic aorta. Sci Rep 12, 15128 (2022). |
Andrew Clarke | Andrew T. Clarke, Christopher J. Davies, Daniel Ruprecht, Steven M. Tobias, Parallel-in-time integration of kinematic dynamos, Journal of Computational Physics: X, March 2020, 100057. |
Clarke, A., Davies, C., Ruprecht, D. et al. Performance of parallel-in-time integration for Rayleigh Bénard convection. Comput. Visual Sci. 23, 10 (2020). | |
Luke Driver | L. M. Driver, K. Douglas, D. I. Lucas, N. Kapur, J. H. Lehman, D. E. Heard and G. N. de Boer (2024) Developing a Predictive Model for Low Temperature Laval Nozzles with Applications in Chemical Kinetics, Physics of Fluids, ISSN 1070-6631 (In Press). |
Craig Duguid | Craig D. Duguid, Adrian J. Barker, Chris A. Jones, Tidal flows with convection: frequency-dependence of the effective viscosity and evidence for anti-dissipation, MNRAS, Oct 2019. (Additional Arxiv link to the paper) |
C. D. Duguid, A. J. Barker, C. A. Jones, ‘Convective turbulent viscosity acting on equilibrium tidal flows: new frequency scaling of the effective viscosity’, MNRAS, July 2020. (Additional Arxiv link to the paper) | |
Craig D. Duguid, Nils B. de Vries, Daniel Lecoanet, Adrian J. Barker, An Efficient Tidal Dissipation Mechanism via Stellar Magnetic Fields, American Astronomical Society, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 966, Number 1, 2024. | |
Alex Edwards | Alexander J. Edwards, Lee Benson, Zeyu Guo, Martín López-García, Catherine J. Noakes, Daniel Peckham, Marco-Felipe King, A mathematical model for assessing transient airborne infection risks in a multi-zone hospital ward, Building and Environment, Vol. 238, 2023, 110344, ISSN 0360-1323. |
Kishwer Abdul Khaliq, Sara Mohamad, Alexander J. Edwards, Catherine Noakes, Andrew H. Kemp, Carl Thompson, Grainne McGill, Tim Sharpe, Environmental data monitoring and infection risks in UK care-homes in the context of COVID-19, Building and Environment, 2024, 111174, ISSN 0360-1323. |
Alexander J. Edwards, Marco-Felipe King, Martín López-García, Daniel Peckham, Catherine J. Noakes, Assessing the effects of transient weather conditions on airborne transmission risk in naturally ventilated hospitals, Journal of Hospital Infection, Volume 148, P1-10, June 2024. | |
Edwards AJ, King M-F, Noakes CJ, Peckham D, López-García M. The Wells-Riley model revisited: randomness, heterogeneity, and transient behaviours. Risk Analysis, Wiley Online Library, 2024. | |
Julie Frank | Frank, JY, Borman, DJ, Greiciunas, E, Khan, A, & Summers, J. Phase Change Materials for Absorbing Peak Heat Loads in Aircraft: An Effectiveness-NTU Model for Predicting the Performance of Compact Heat Exchanger. Proceedings of the ASME 2023 Heat Transfer Summer Conference collocated with the ASME 2023 17th International Conference on Energy Sustainability. ASME 2023 Heat Transfer Summer Conference. Washington, DC, USA. July 10–12, 2023. V001T06A002. ASME. |
Frank J. Y., Borman D. J., Greiciunas E., Khan A., Summers J. Effect of different fin geometries on the thermal and hydraulic performance of PCM-Compact Heat Exchanger. 14th IIR Conference on Phase-Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Proceedings: Paris France, May 29-31, 2024. | |
Inna Gorbatenko | Gorbatenko, I., Tomlin, A.S., Lawes, M., Cracknell, R. Experimental and modelling study of the impacts of n-butanol blending on the auto-ignition behaviour of gasoline and its surrogate at low temperatures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2018). (Sponsored by Shell Global Solutions) |
Bates, L., Bradley, D., Gorbatenko, I., Tomlin, A.S., 2017. Computation of Methane/air Ignition Delay and Excitation Times, using Comprehensive and Reduced Chemical Mechanisms and their Relevance in Engine Autoignition. Combustion and Flame, 185, pp.105-116. (Sponsored by Shell Global Solutions) | |
Greiciunas, E., Wong, J., Gorbatenko, I., Hall, J., Wilson, M.C.T., Kapur, N., Harlen, O.G., Vadillo, D. and Threlfall-Holmes, P., 2017. Design and operation of a Rayleigh Ohnesorge jetting extensional rheometer (ROJER) to study extensional properties of low viscosity polymer solutions. Journal of Rheology, 61(3), pp.467-476. (With support from Akzo Nobel) | |
GORBATENKO, I., A. S. TOMLIN, M. LAWES, R. F. CRACKNELL. 2019. Experimental and Modelling Study of the Impacts of n-Butanol Blending on the Auto-Ignition Behaviour of Gasoline and its Surrogate at Low Temperatures, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37(1), pp. 501-509. | |
Evaldas Greiciunas | Greiciunas, E., Borman, D. and Summers, J., 2017, July. Unsteady Flow Modelling in Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Channels. In ASME 2017 Heat Transfer Summer Conference (pp. V001T02A011-V001T02A011). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Sponsored by BAE Systems) |
Greiciunas, E., Wong, J., Gorbatenko, I., Hall, J., Wilson, M.C.T., Kapur, N., Harlen, O.G., Vadillo, D. and Threlfall-Holmes, P., 2017. Design and operation of a Rayleigh Ohnesorge jetting extensional rheometer (ROJER) to study extensional properties of low viscosity polymer solutions. Journal of Rheology, 61(3), pp.467-476. (With support from Akzo Nobel) | |
E. Greiciunas, Dr D. Borman and Dr J. Summers, A Novel HE Corrugation Modelling Approach Utilising Conjugate Heat Transfer Methodology, Tenth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD10), Barcelona, Spain, July 9-13, 2018, ICCFD10-290. (Sponsored by BAE Systems) | |
E. Greiciunas, D. Borman, J. Summers, S. J. Smith, A multi-scale conjugate heat transfer modelling approach for corrugated heat exchangers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 139, 2019, Pages 928-937, ISSN 0017-9310. | |
E. Greiciunas, D. Borman, J. Summers, S. J. Smith, A numerical evaluation of next generation additive layer manufactured inter-layer channel heat exchanger, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 162, 5 November 2019, 114304. | |
Evaldas Greiciunas, Duncan Borman, Jonathan Summers, Steve J. Smith, Experimental and numerical study of the additive layer manufactured inter-layer channel heat exchanger, Science Direct - Applied Thermal Engineering, 116501 (Jan 2021), In Press. | |
Colin Hardy | Colin Hardy, Philip Livermore, Jitse Nisesen, Jiawen Luo, Kuan Li, Determination of the instantaneous geostrophic flow within the three-dimensional magnetostrophic regime, Proceedings of the Royal Society A (2018). |
C. Hardy, J. Wong., Stably stratified layers within Earth's core, Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 60, Issue 3, June 2019, Pages 3.30–3.35. | |
Colin M Hardy, Philip W Livermore, Jitse Niesen, May 2020. Enhanced magnetic fields within a stratified layer, Geophysical Journal International, ggaa260. | |
Rachel Hendrikse | Rachel L. Hendrikse, Andrew E. Bayly, and Peter K. Jimack, Studying the Structure of Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate Solutions Using Dissipative Particle Dynamics, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, J. Phys. Chem. B 2022. |
Rachel L. Hendrikse, Andrew E. Bayly, Peter K. Jimack, and Xiaojun Lai, Using Raman Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics to Study Conformation Changes of Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate Molecules, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2023 127 (20), 4676-4686.
Rachel L. Hendrikse, Andrew E. Bayly and Peter K. Jimack, Anionic surfactant solutions under shear using dissipative particle dynamics, J. Chem. Phys. 158, 214906 (2023).
Rory Hetherington | P. Culmer, A. Keeling, C. Osnes, W. Davis Birch, D. Jones, I. Waters, R. Hetherington, J. Parmar, T. Lawton, S. Ashton, M. Latham, S. Murdoch, D. Brettle, N. Kapur (April 2020) Delivery of CPAP respiratory support for COVID-19 using repurposed technologies, medRxiv preprint. |
Ciara Higham | Abney, S.E., Higham, C.A., Wilson, A.M. et al. Transmission of Viruses from Restroom Use: A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment. Food Environ Virol (2024). |
David Kahn, William Chen, Yarrow Linden, Karalee A. Corbeil, Sarah Lowry, Ciara A. Higham, et al., A microbial risk assessor's guide to Valley Fever (Coccidioides spp.): Case study and review of risk factors, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 917, 2024, 170141, ISSN 0048-9697.
Ciara A. Higham, Martín López-García, Catherine J. Noakes, Emma Tidswell, Louise Fletcher, A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) framework for exposure from toilet flushing using experimental aerosol concentration measurements, Indoor Environments, 2024, 100069, ISSN 2950-3620. | |
Robert Kelly | R. W. Kelly, R. M. Dorrell, A. D. Burns, W. D. McCaffrey, The structure and entrainment characteristics of partially‐confined gravity currents, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (February 2019). (Sponsored by the Turbidites Research Group) |
Hannah Kreczak | Hannah Kreczak, Rob Sturman, Mark Wilson, Deceleration of one-dimensional mixing by discontinuous mappings, Physical Review E 96, 053112 (Nov 2017). |
Alex Lang | Alex J. Lang, David P. Connolly, Gregory de Boer, Shahrokh Shahpar, Benjamin Hinchliffe, Carl A. Gilkeson, A review of Hyperloop aerodynamics, Computers & Fluids, 2024, 106202, ISSN 0045-7930. |
Alex J. Lang, David P. Connolly, Gregory de Boer, Shahrokh Shahpar, Benjamin Hinchliffe and Carl A. Gilkeson, Confined Transonic Aerodynamics: From Rifle Bullets to Hyperloop Vehicles, Aerospace Research Central, AIAA 2024-3770, Session: Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics I, July 2024. | |
Alex J. Lang, David P. Connolly, Gregory de Boer, Shahrokh Shahpar, Benjamin Hinchliffe, Carl A. Gilkeson, Benchmark problems for simulating Hyperloop aerodynamics, AIP Pulishing, Physics of Fluids, Vol 36, Issue 10, 106116, October 2024. | |
Isabel Latimer | Latimer, I., Fairweather, M., Peakall, J. et al. Extended LBM-DEM and LBM-DEM-FSLBM Model for Gas Migration Through Bidisperse Suspensions. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer. The Tenth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, 11-15 Sep 2023, Rome, Italy. Begell House Inc. |
Charlie Lloyd | C.J. Lloyd, J. Peakall, A.D. Burns, G.M. Keevil, R.M. Dorrell, Numerical errors at walls: on the sensitivity of RANS models to near-wall cell size, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Taylor and Francis Online (March 2020). |
Charlie James Lloyd, Jeffrey Peakall, Alan Burns, Gareth Keevil, Robert Dorrell, Paul Wignall and Thomas Fletcher, Hydrodynamic efficiency in sharks: the combined role of riblets and denticles, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, IOP Science, March 2021. | |
Robert Long | R. S. Long, J. E. Mound, C. J. Davies and S. M. Tobias, Scaling behaviour in spherical shell rotating convection with fixed-flux thermal boundary conditions, Vol 889 Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Feb 2020). |
R. S. Long, J. E. Mound, C. J. Davies, S. M. Tobias, Thermal boundary layer structure in convection with and without rotation, Physical Review Fluids, 2020 - APS. | |
Jose Lopez Florido | Florido, J., Wang, H., Khan, A., Jimack, P.K. (2024). Investigating Guiding Information for Adaptive Collocation Point Sampling in PINNs. In: Franco, L., de Mulatier, C., Paszynski, M., Krzhizhanovskaya, V.V., Dongarra, J.J., Sloot, P.M.A. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2024. ICCS 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14834. Springer, Cham. |
Michael Macraild | Sarrami-Foroushani, A., Lassila, T., MacRaild, M., Asquith, J., Roes, K.C., Byrne, J.V., Frangi, A.F., 2021. In-silico trial of intracranial flow diverters replicates and expands insights from conventional clinical trials. Nature Communications. |
Liu, Q., Sarrami-Foroushani, A., Wang, Y., MacRaild, M., Kelly, C., Lin, F., Xia, Y., Song S., Ravikumar, N., Patankar T., Taylor, Z.A., Lassila, T., Frangi, A.F., 2023. Hemodynamics of thrombus formation in intracranial aneurysms: an in-silico observational study. APL Bioengineering. | |
MacRaild Michael, Sarrami-Foroushani Ali, Lassila Toni and Frangi Alejandro F. 2024. Accelerated simulation methodologies for computational vascular flow modelling, J. R. Soc. Interface. 21: 2023056. | |
MacRaild, M., Sarrami-Foroushani, A., Lassila, T. and Frangi, A.F., 2024. Reduced order modelling of intracranial aneurysm flow using proper orthogonal decomposition and neural networks. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. | |
MacRaild, M., Sarrami-Foroushani, A., Song, S., Liu, Q., Kelly, C., Ravikumar, N., Patankar, T., Lassila, T., Taylor, Z.A. and Frangi, A.F., 2024. Off-label in-silico flow diverter performance assessment in posterior communicating artery aneurysms. Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery. | |
Godwin Madho | Wayne Arter, Ana Osojnik, Coralia Cartis, Godwin Madho, Steven Tobias, Data Assimilation Approach to Analyzing Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations, ISCAS 2018, Florence, Italy May 2018. |
Caroline Marshall | C. R. Marshall, R. M. Dorrell, G. M. Keevil, J. Peakall, S. M. Tobias, Observations of large-scale coherent structures in gravity currents: implications for flow dynamics, Experiments in Fluids (2021) 62:120. |
C. R. Marshall, R. M. Dorrell, S. Dutta, G. M. Keevil, J. Peakall and S. M. Tobias, The effect of Schmidt number on gravity current flows: The formation of large-scale three-dimensional structures editors-pick, Physics of Fluids 33, 106601 (2021). | |
Marshall, C.R., Dorrell, R.M., Keevil, G.M. et al. On the role of transverse motion in pseudo-steady gravity currents. Experiments in Fluids 64, 63 (2023). | |
Joseph Myers Hill |
Myers Hill, J., Sturman, R. & Wilson, M.C.T. A Family of Non-Monotonic Toral Mixing Maps. J Nonlinear Sci 32, 31 (2022).
J. Myers Hill, R. Sturman, M.C.T. Wilson, Exponential mixing by orthogonal non-monotonic shears, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume 434, 2022, 133224, ISSN 0167-2789.
Andrew Oates | Andrew Oates, Thomas Neuner, Michael Meister, Duncan Borman, Miller Camargo-Valero, Andrew Sleigh and Paul Fischer, Modelling Mechanically Induced non-Newtonian Flows to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Anaerobic Digesters, MDPI (Oct 2020). |
Thomas Padgett | Thomas E. Padgett, Robert E. Thomas, Duncan J. Borman, and David C. Mould, 2020. Individual-based model of juvenile eel movement parametrized with computational fluid dynamics-derived flow fields informs improved fish pass design. Royal Society Open Science, 7(1), p.191505. |
Jacob Perez | Jacob Perez, Amanda Maycock, Stephen Griffiths, Steven Hardiman, and Christine McKenna (2024) A new characterization of the North Atlantic eddy-driven jet using two-dimensional moment analysis, European Geosciences Union, Vol. 5, Issue 3, WCD, 5, 1061–1078. |
Jessica Proctor | A.M. Wilson, S.E. Abney, M-F. King, J. Proctor, C.J. Noakes, K.A. Reynolds et al. (June 2020) COVID-19 and use of non-traditional masks: how do various materials compare in reducing the risk of infection for mask wearers?, The Journal of Hospital Infection, Vol 105, Issue 4, P640-642. |
Daniel Richards | Daniel H. M. Richards, Samuel S. Pegler, Sandra Piazolo, Oliver G. Harlen, The evolution of ice fabrics: A continuum modelling approach validated against laboratory experiments, Science Direct Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 556, 15 February 2021, 11671. |
Megan Richards, Seun Coker, Jose Florido & Rhiannon Nicholls | Richards, M., Coker, O., Florido, J., Nicholls, R., Ross, A., & Rooney, G. (2023). On the near-field interaction of vertically offset turbulent plumes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 966, A24. |
Connor Rohmann-Shaw | Evangelia Antonopoulou, Connor F. Rohmann-Shaw, Thomas C. Sykes, Olivier J. Cayre, Timothy N. Hunter, and Peter K. Jimack, Numerical and experimental analysis of the sedimentation of spherical colloidal suspensions under centrifugal force, Physics of Fluids 30, 030702 (2018). (With support from Proctor and Gamble) |
Andrea Sendula, Jake Cray and Matthew Oram | Andrea Sendula, Kai Wang, Shashank B. Subramanyam, Jake Cray, Matthew Oram, Xiaohui Chen, Ana Heitor, David Harbottle, Kenny Brown, Multiphase thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled soil drying model with phase-exchange based on mixture coupling theory, International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 203, 2024, 104119, ISSN 0020-7225. |
Fergus Shone and Michael Macraild | Shone, F., Ravikumar, N., Lassila, T., MacRaild, M., Wang, Y., Taylor, Z.A., Jimack, P., Dall'Armellina, E., Frangi, A.F., 2023. Deep physics-informed super-resolution of cardiac 4D-Flow MRI. Information Processing in Medical Imaging. |
Mostafa Soroor | Ester Serrano, Arwen I. I. Tyler, Mostafa Soroor, Iris Floria, Nikil Kapur, Andrew J. Roe, Olwyn Byron, AdhE spirosome length in enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli is correlated with enzymatic directionality and is perturbed by salicylidene acylhydrazide binding, bioRxiv, January 2024. |
Thomas Sykes | Evangelia Antonopoulou, Connor F. Rohmann-Shaw, Thomas C. Sykes, Olivier J. Cayre, Timothy N. Hunter, and Peter K. Jimack, Numerical and experimental analysis of the sedimentation of spherical colloidal suspensions under centrifugal force, Physics of Fluids 30, 030702 (2018). (With support from Proctor and Gamble) |
Thomas C. Sykes, Alfonso A. Castrejón-Pita, J. Rafael Castrejón-Pita, David Harbottle, Zinedine Khatir, Harvey M. Thompson, and Mark C. T. Wilson (2020), Surface jets and internal mixing during the coalescence of impacting and sessile droplets, Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 023602. | |
Thomas C. Sykes, David Harbottle, Zinedine Khatir, Harvey M. Thompson, and Mark C. T. Wilson (2020), Substrate wettability influences internal jet formation and mixing during droplet coalescence, Langmuir. | |
Karrar H. Al-Dirawi, Khaled H.A. Al-Ghaithi, Thomas C. Sykes, J. Rafael Castrejón-Pita and Andrew E. Bayly, Inertial stretching separation in binary droplet collisions, Cambridge University Press, 21 September 2021. | |
Jacob van Alwon | Experimental and numerical modelling of aerated flows over stepped spillways, Van Alwon, J, Borman, D, Sleigh, A et al. In Proceedings of IAHR 2017. 37th IAHR World Congress, 13-18 Aug 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and IAHR 2019. 38th IAHR World Congress, 1st – 6th September 2019, Panama City, Panama. International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). |
Fryderyk Wilczynski | Peter Donnel, Xavier Garbet, Yanick Sarazin, Yuuichi Asahi, Fryderyk Wilczynski, Elisabett Caschera, Guilhem Dif-Pradalier, Philippe Ghendrih and Camille Gillot, Turbulent generation of poloidal asymmetries of the electric potential in a tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, IOP Science (2018). (Sponsored by UKAEA, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy) |
F. Wilczynski1, D. W. Hughes, S. Van Loo, W. Arter and F. Militello, Stability of scrape-off layer plasma: A modified Rayleigh–Bénard problem, Physics of Plasmas 26, 022510 (2019). | |
Fryderyk Wilczynski and David W. Hughes, Stability of two-layer miscible convection, Phys. Rev. Fluids, Accepted Oct 2019. | |
Fryderyk Wilczynski, David W. Hughes, Wayne Arter and Fulvio Militello, Onset of interchange instability in a coupled core–SOL plasma, Physics of Plasmas 27, 072508 (2020). | |
Jenny Wong | Greiciunas, E., Wong, J., Gorbatenko, I., Hall, J., Wilson, M.C.T., Kapur, N., Harlen, O.G., Vadillo, D. and Threlfall-Holmes, P., 2017. Design and operation of a Rayleigh Ohnesorge jetting extensional rheometer (ROJER) to study extensional properties of low viscosity polymer solutions. Journal of Rheology, 61(3), pp.467-476. (With support from Akzo Nobel) |
J. Wong, C.J. Davies, C.A. Jones, Geophysical Journal International (2018), A Boussinesq slurry model of the F-layer at the base of Earth's outer core. | |
C. Hardy, J. Wong., Stably stratified layers within Earth's core, Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 60, Issue 3, June 2019, Pages 3.30–3.35. | |
Jenny Wong, Christopher J. Davies, Christopher A. Jones, A regime diagram for the slurry F-layer at the base of Earth's outer core, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Science Direct, Volume 560, 15 April 2021, 116791. | |
Foteini Zagkalavara | Foteini Zagklavara, Peter K. Jimack, Nikil Kapur, Osvaldo M. Querin, Harvey M. Thompson, Numerical Modelling and Analysis of a Microfluidic PCR Device, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT'21), June 2021. |
Foteini Zagklavara, Peter K. Jimack, Nikil Kapur, Osvaldo M. Querin & Harvey M. Thompson, Multi-objective optimisation of polymerase chain reaction continuous flow systems, Biomedical Microdevices volume 24, Article number: 16 (2022). | |
Foteini Zagklavara, Peter K. Jimack, Nikil Kapur, Osvaldo M. Querin and Harvey M. Thompson, Optimisation of microfluidic polymerase chain reaction devices, E3S Web Conf. Volume 321, 2021, XIII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2021). | |
Associate EPSRC CDT Fluid Dynamics students | |
Thomas Salwa | T. Salwa, O. Bokhove, and M. A. Kelmanson. Variational modelling of wave–structure interactions with an offshore wind-turbine mast. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 107(1):61–85, Dec 2017. ISSN 1573-2703. |
T. Salwa, O. Bokhove, and M. A. Kelmanson. Variational coupling of wave slamming against elastic masts. 31st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, . IWWWFB, Michigan, USA, pages 149–152, 2016a. | |
T. Salwa, O. Bokhove, and M. A. Kelmanson. Variational modelling of wave-structure interactions for offshore wind turbines. Extended paper for Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Eng., OMAE2016, Busan, South-Korea, page 10, 6 2016b. | |
Salwa TJ; Bokhove O; Kelmanson MA. Variational Coupling of Wave Slamming against Elastic Masts.(2016) Proceedings 31st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, pp. 149-152. 31st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies | |
Salwa T; Bokhove O; Kelmanson MA. Variational modelling of wave-structure interactions for offshore wind turbines. (2016) Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE | |
Oliver Halliday | Halliday, OJ, Griffiths, SD, Parker, DJ. Stirling A, Vosper S, Forced Gravity Waves and the Tropospheric Response to Convection.(2018). Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. ISSN 0035-9009. |
Jamie Smith | Smith, JK, Roberts P, Kountoriotis A, Richardson D, Aleiferis P, Ruprecht D, Thermodynamic modelling of a stratified charge spark ignition engine. International Journal of Engine Research, 1-10, July 2018. |
Thomas Kent | Kent T; Bokhove O; Tobias S, Dynamics of an idealized fluid model for investigating convective-scale data assimilation. (2017) Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meterology and Oceanography, 69 (1). |
Mark Bernhofen | Mark V Bernhofen, Charlie Whyman, Mark A Trigg, P Andrew Sleigh, Andrew M Smith, Christopher C Sampson, Dai Yamazaki, Philip J Ward, Roberto Rudari, Florian Pappenberger. A first collective validation of global fluvial flood models for major floods in Nigeria and Mozambique, October 2018 Environmental Research Letters, Volume 13, Number 10. |
Floriane Gidel | Gidel F; Bokhove O; Kalogirou A (2017) Variational modelling of extreme waves through oblique interaction of solitary waves: Application to Mach reflection. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 24 (1), pp. 43-60. |
Gidel F; Bokhove O; Kelmanson M (2017), Driven nonlinear potential flow with wave breaking at shallow-water beaches ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2017-61974. OMAE 2017. |