Please note that the PhD projects listed are examples of projects offered to current CDT students and as such are not generally available to prospective students.
Convection-driven flows influenced by rotation are ubiquitous in planetary interiors, including the liquid cores of terrestrial bodies, the outer regions of gas giants and the...
The movement of Earth’s liquid core is responsible for generating our planetary magnetic field, yet we know very little about its structure and dynamics because...
Omissions in our current understanding of the fundamental behaviour of fluid flow in porous media and its interaction with impermeable barriers such as earthquake faults...
This project aims to develop and optimise the experimental set-up used to measure the kinetics of a chemical reaction. Using computational fluid dynamics the properties of a supersonic molecular flow through...
The two images above show large-scale flows structures in the polar regions of Jupiter (L) and Saturn (R). These arise from the interaction between convection...
Convection within Earth’s fluid core generates the planetary magnetic field; spatial and temporal variations of the geomagnetic field can thus be used to gain insight...
The discovery of several thousand planets orbiting stars other than the Sun is the most exciting development in modern astrophysics. Many orbit their stars very...
This project involves the investigation of the mechanisms that lead to reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field. As shown in the figure below, the polarity of the Earth’s...
Convection-driven flows influenced by rotation are ubiquitous in planetary interiors, including the liquid cores of terrestrial bodies, the outer regions of gas giants and the...
This project will contribute to the development of a revolutionary new cloud model, MPIC (Moist Parcel-In-Cell), for the simulation of convective precipitation and cloud-climate feedbacks....