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The Power of STEM – CDT Series


The Power of STEM Young researchers at four Doctoral Training Centres within the Faculty have invited year 12 students who are studying a STEM A-Level subject to join them each Wednesday in May to explore the power of STEM. They have been delving into research about Fantastic Fluids and where to Find them, Saving lives...

MHMT'21 Conference Publication Award


Congratulations to CDT student Foteini Zagklavara who recently had her first paper published, which she presented at the 6th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT'21) online in June 2021. Foteini was also given the Best Paper Award for this submission. Read her paper, 'Numerical Modelling and Analysis of a Microfluidic PCR Device'. 

Best poster prize at Fluids Symposium 2021


Congratulations to second year CDT student, Giulia Fedrizzi who won best poster at the 2021 Fluids Symposium, which took place online on 16th and 17th June. Giulia's poster can be viewed on the online poster gallery page. View all abstracts and posters from the Symposium.

Prof Cath Noakes argues for a ventilation revolution to fight this pandemic


“It's no good just having a recirculating air-conditioning unit...What we need to do is let fresh air in from outside.” CDT Co-Director, Prof Cath Noakes argues for a ventilation revolution, to fight this pandemic and the next. Read the full article, 'Clearing the air- how to protect people from airborne transmission of the Coronavirus.

'Red Sock Award' at SIAM Conference


Congratulations to CDT student Joseph Myers Hill who won a poster prize at the   2021 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Conference. He was given the 'Red Sock Award' for his poster titled 'A Family of Non-Monotonic Toral Mixing Maps'. His poster can be viewed in the online gallery here.

Boost air quality in buildings to reduce respiratory infections


Leading experts in the transmission of airborne pathogens are calling for tighter regulations to control air quality in buildings – as a way of reducing the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses. Writing in the journal Science, the 40 scientists said: “A paradigm shift is needed on the scale that occurred when Chadwick’s Sanitary Report...

Monthly News Updates from the Sorby Labs Suite


Read the monthly news updates from the Sorby Lab Suites on the Geosolutions Leeds webpage, which includes updates of work done by CDT students and staff.

SAGE Advisor: Prof Cath Noakes


As a leading expert on the spread and transmission of Covid-19, Prof Cath Noakes OBE has the attention of the highest level of UK government. In April 2020, Covid-19 had not long pushed the UK into full lockdown when Cath received an email. “It came out of the blue and it was a little unnerving,”...

Katie Piper's interview with leading health and scientific experts


Katie Piper interviews leading health and scientific experts, asking them common questions about COVID-19, including CDT Co-Director Cath Noakes. Katie asks a panel of experts about the new strains, the science behind recommended behaviours, and how to stay motivated as lockdown restrictions continue. Watch the interview between Katie Piper and Cath Noakes on YouTube.