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A Multi-disciplinary Fluid-Structure-Interaction-enabled study on the Integrity of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Structures

Academic lead
Dr Bing Zhang, School of Mechanical Engineering,
Dr Greg de Boer, School of Mechanical Engineering,, Dr Yongxing Wang, School of Computing, , Prof Harvey Thompson, School of Mechanical Engineering,
Project themes
Clean Energy, Computational & Analytical Tools, Experimental Techniques, Fundamental, Multiphysics & Complex Fluids, Transport

Strong and lightweight fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are widely employed across numerous industries. For examples, modern aircrafts such as Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 are made of 50% FRP composites. The monocoque of Formula 1 cars, modern wind turbine blades and offshore oil & gas pipelines are made from FRP composites.  

This PhD project, supervised by a diverse academic team from two Schools at the University of Leeds, will investigate the structural performance of FRP composite structures under fluid loading, by numerical modelling and experimental testing. The supervision team’s expertise across different disciplines ensures comprehensive guidance throughout this project. 

An advanced fluid-structure interaction simulation tool will be developed integrating composites mechanics, fluid dynamics and machine learning, to simulate and predict failure modes and lifespan of composite structures in fluid environments, as shown in Figure 1. Compared to the numerical tools that are based on pre-defined loads either from sensors or separate fluid dynamics analysis, the fluid-structure interactive simulation strategy will advance the prediction capability for composite structures and increase safety margins. Experimental specimens will be manufactured and tested for the verification of the modelling strategy. 

Figure 1. A Multi-disciplinary Fluid-Structure-Interaction-enabled study on the Integrity of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Structures.