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Jennifer Castelino

PhD Project Title
Dynamics of Mushy Magmatic Systems


I graduated from the University of Leeds with an MNatSc Natural Sciences degree, with a year abroad at McMaster University. I majored in mathematics and minored in chemistry, focusing on thermodynamics, kinetics and fluid dynamics.

Research Interests

I am interested in understanding the dynamics of magmatic systems (large structures of magma, crystals and rocks beneath volcanoes). Recent evidence suggests that magmatic systems involve very complex geometries comprising of multiple interconnected magma reservoirs with large volumes of molten magma disseminated in crystal mush regions. I am currently investigating the porous, viscous and elastic behaviour of such a mushy magmatic system through the development of analytical and numerical models.

Why I chose the CDT in Fluid Dynamics

The CDT in Fluid Dynamics stood out to me from more traditional PhD’s because of its multidisciplinary approach. Coming from natural sciences background where an interdisciplinary approach is key, I was eager to continue this approach in the CDT. It also appealed to me because of the strong links with industrial partners and the opportunity to work with a cohort of students.