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NAG Prize Ceremony 2019


The 5th of December saw us celebrate our annual NAG Prize ceremony with the addition of new prizes rewarding the publication and outreach achievements of our students.

We were pleased to announce that CDT student Reece Coyle is the winner of the NAG Prize for the best performance in the MSc component of our integrated MSc/PhD Fluid Dynamics programme in cohort four. Reece is now undertaking a PhD project on Spatially localized states in the Zhang-Vinals equation.

Centre Director Peter Jimack presents Reece (left) and Craig (right) with their prizes.

Congratulations were in order for Craig Duguid for winning the Best Paper Prize 2019 for cohorts 2-6, and Jenny Wong for the Best Paper Prize 2019 for cohort 1. Craig's paper Tidal flows with convection: frequency-dependence of the effective viscosity and evidence for anti-dissipation explores the interaction between tidal flows and convection using hydrodynamical simulations, capturing the interactions expected of stars hosting hot Jupiters. These results are important for understanding the long term survival of Hot Jupiters around Sun-like stars.

Jenny's paper A Boussinesq slurry model of the F-layer at the base of Earth’s outer core demonstrates that a steady state slurry model can satisfy the geophysical constraints of a stably stratified layer at the bottom of the Earth's liquid outer core, the existence of which is suggested by seismic observations. After graduating in 2019, Jenny is a postdoctoral researcher in the Geological Fluid Dynamics department at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP).

Hannah's table-top flooding defence demo with explanation cards delivered during INWED 2019

Hannah Kreczak was the recipient of the Best Outreach Prize 2019, awarded for a creative tabletop demonstration of inland flooding and flooding defences, delivered during an INWED 2019 event hosted at the University of Leeds.

Congratulations to all our winners!