Turbulence dynamics and flame propagation in a spark-ignition engine
- Academic lead
- Dr Alexy Burluka, School of Mechanical Engineering
- Industrial lead
- D. Richardson, Jaguar-Land Rover
- Co-supervisor(s)
- Prof Peter Jimack, School of Computing
- Project themes
- Reacting flows, mixing and safety
Research into new combustion strategies requires a new approach to data analysis. This project will support future Jaguar-LandRover engine programmes by providing state-of-the-art thermodynamic analysis software to investigate novel combustion concepts. The analysis software packages are LUSIE (Leeds University Spark Ignition Engine) and LUSIEDA (Leeds University Spark Ignition Engine Data Analysis). Analysis tools of this type will greatly enhance current engine 1D simulation capability and 3D CFD validation. LUSIE is a combustion model incorporating real combustion chamber geometry with the ability to simulate complex valve control strategies. It contains many advanced modelling features including state-of-the-art auto-ignition and knock models allowing improved full-load modelling of pressure-charged down-sized engines, the strategy JLR is adopting for its future power-trains. LUSIEDA is a reverse thermodynamic code with the features of LUSIE, to analyse engine test data. As a diagnostic tool LUSIEDA will provide statistical data on in-cylinder combustion parameters, e.g. temperatures, turbulence characteristics in the flame zone etc, from engine tests. This data is currently unavailable from non-optical engines, and will greatly expand the usefulness and range of data from engine tests. This will allow a better understanding of the combustion to aid the optimisation of systems for improved fuel efficiency (reduced CO2) and low emissions. The statistical data will also support the development and validation of new and/or improved CFD combustion models. LUSIE and LUSIEDA have been developed over many years with the models validated against UoL research engines, focusing on homogeneous combustion concepts primarily at near stoichiometric fuel-air mixtures.